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The family's guide to buying used cars

Lincoln Township Motors

The Family Guide To Buying Used Cars | Lincoln Township Motors

When buying a used family car, you want something reliable that does the job. While those are useful qualities, it helps to be a bit more specific when comparing options. We’ve got you covered with a handy list of criteria to consider when purchasing the best vehicle that suits your family.


Once you’ve got an idea of the size you need, you can work out the cost and any compromises you need to make. Some specific factors to consider include headroom, legroom and storage space.

Ample space means a more comfortable drive for your family, which is a crucial factor if you’re planning trips around Ontario or even further afield. Bigger isn’t necessarily better. If you’ll be commuting regularly, something compact that can handle city roads and parks easily makes sense. 


With the size set, you can see what kind of costs you’re looking at and compare that to how much you can spend. If you’re seeking an auto loan, consider the repayments and interest.

Your family car won’t only be a one-off cost. Pick a used family car that also fits your budget in terms of annual maintenance, insurance and other costs. 

Fuel Efficiency

Since your budget will look at long-term fuel costs, fuel efficiency is an essential consideration. You’ll need to weigh up this factor with the other criteria on this list. For example, the most fuel-efficient car might be out of your budget, the wrong size or lack the necessary functionality.

When reviewing the cars that match your budget, size and the functionality you need, pay attention to the predicted fuel efficiency. We recommend using those numbers as deciding factors once you have your shortlist.

Safety Ratings and Features

Your family’s safety is paramount, and you’ll want to be sure that everyone is protected in case of an accident. Looking at the available safety features is an excellent starting point. Cameras, stability control, collision warnings and blind spot detection are all features you could expect.

On their own, these aren’t enough to tell you how safe a vehicle is. Fortunately, there are national institutes that provide ratings, such as those from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). 


Your family vehicle will need to get you from A to B, but there’s a little more to it. Now’s the time to imagine how your family will use your car. If you have long journeys with kids that get restless, entertainment systems could be a crucial consideration.

If you spend most of your day driving for work, cupholders and navigation might help one vehicle stand out more than others. Folding car seats that allow you to maximize storage space could be a priority, or the ability to fit a bike rack might mean more to you.

Buy A Used Family Car

You’ve identified your needs and found a vehicle that suits your family’s budget and lifestyle. Now it’s time to put that advice into practice and buy your used family car from Lincoln Township Motors.

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