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How to Care for your Tires and Rims

How to Care for your Tires and Rims

Caring for your tires and rims is an essential part of vehicle maintenance. Not only does it increase the life of your tires, but it also makes your car look fantastic. How often you clean your wheels depends on the conditions, which can vary in Ontario. However, experts suggest that twice a month is effective and a good opportunity to check their condition. Let’s take a look at what you need and the crucial steps to follow to care for your car’s wheels.

Equipment Needed

While you don’t need a lot of specialty equipment, it’s best to be prepared before you start cleaning your tires and rims. We recommend gathering the following:

  • Hose
  • Two or more microfibre towels or rags
  • Tire brush/old toothbrush
  • Tire cleaner/car shampoo
  • Two buckets of water
  • Tire dressing

One bucket is for rinsing your rags, so it’ll get dirty. Keep the other bucket clean so you can use it for rinsing.

  1. Avoid Scratches
    Always start with a cool vehicle. Your first step is to ensure that you won’t do more harm than good when cleaning. You can avoid scratching your rims by doing a quick wipe down with a rag and some shampoo and water.You’ll dislodge any loose dust and dirt that could scratch your wheel, plus you’ll do a better job when cleaning later. Wipe each tire and then rinse it to remove the debris. It won’t look sparkling clean yet, but you’re ready for the next step.
  2. Remove Brake Dust
    Brake dust can damage wheels and affect performance, and it doesn’t look great. It’s time to apply your tire cleaner to remove it. Follow the product instructions, as you’ll need to leave it on for a set amount of time before wiping it off.
  3. Scrub and Rinse
    Your tire cleaner is probably acidic. That allows it to remove brake dust, but you don’t want it sitting on your rims for a long time. That’s why it’s crucial to go back in with some hot soapy water.We recommend scrubbing with your tire brush to get rid of any residue and lingering particles. Finish up with a rinse to get rid of everything and to see if the wheels are clean.
  4. Treat Your Tires
    Make sure you brush your treads with soapy water to keep them clean; that’s all they need. For the rest of your tire, you can spray a small amount of tire dressing. As well as making them look shiny, it adds some moisture. The best products prevent cracking, fading and hardening.
  5. Don’t Forget The Drying
    Keep a soft, clean microfibre towel for the end so that you can dry your wheels. While most areas will dry on their own, it’s a good idea to wipe the rims to avoid any streaks or marks.

Check Your Tires 

During your care routine, check for damage to your wheels. If you spot an issue, reach out to Lincoln Township Motors for efficient tire repair services.

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Are you interested in learning more about our products and services? Feel free to contact us! We are always happy to help our customers find the best solutions for their automotive needs. We are conveniently located in Beamsville, Ontario, just a short drive away from Grimsby, Niagara, Lincoln, St. Catharines, Burlington, Hamilton, and Stoney Creek in Ontario. Reach out to us or stop by today and experience the Lincoln Township Motors difference.

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